Robi 200% Internet EID Bonus Offer 2017

Robi 200% Internet EID Bonus Offer 2017 ! Welcome to Robi 200% Internet Eid Bonus Offer. All the Robi Prepaid customers are eligible to enjoy Robi 200% Internet EID Bonus Offer 2017! If you are a Robi connection customer and you want to activate Robi EID Bonus Offer, Dear Robi connection customer no tension we provide that how can activate Robi 200% Bonus Offer, just continue reading this full articles
Recharge Principal
Quota Principal
time band Principal
Validity Bonus
Quota Bonus Usage
time band Bonus
179 4 GB 24 hrs 7 days 8 GB 1 am – 11 am 7 days
427 3.5 GB 24 hrs 28 days 7 GB 1 am – 11 am 15 days
609 5 GB 24 hrs 28 days 10 GB 1 am – 11 am 15 days
Robi 200% internet EID Bonus Offer 2017 Details:
Customers can activate Robi 4GB, 5GB and 3.GB Internet; you can recharge 179TK for 4GB, 609TK for recharge 5GB and 427TK Recharge for 3.GB Internet.
VAT + SD + SC including in recharge amount.
Customers can activate this Robi Eid Bonus Offer only one time one package.
The Customer uses this EID Bonus Internet package 2G/3G coverage area networks.
Customers can use the Bonus and regular internet, the bonus internet uses times 1 AM to 11 AM and regular internet 24 hours.
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Finally, we hope that you have understood about Robi 200% Internet EID Bonus Offer 2017 full concepts. Do you have any question about Robi 200% Internet EID Bonus Offer, just comment here? We will try to solve your problem very soon. Thanks for long time staying with us.

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