Mawlana Mizanur Rahman Azhari is one of the most familiar Islamic scholars in Bangladesh as well as in India’s West Bengal. Most of the Bangladeshi people and West Bengal people are searching for Mawlana Mizanur Rahman Azhari in Google such as Mawlana Mizanur Rahman Azhari biography, Mizanur Rahman Azhari biography, Azhari biography, Azhari bio, Mizanur Rahman Azhari bio, etc. Today we are going to discuss his biography.

Mizanur Rahman Azhari:
Name: Mizanur Rahman, however, because of his studies at Al Azhar University in Egypt, his name is associated with Azhari. Mawlana Mizanur Rahman Azhari was born on 26th January 1990, Demra of Dhaka. However, his ancestral home was in Comilla.Watch this Video About Mizanur Rahman Azhari
Mizanur Rahman Azhari Family Life:
Mizanur Rahman Azhari’s family includes his parents and a brother.Mizanur Rahman Azhari Bridal Life:
Mizanur Rahman Azhari was married on January 29 and has two daughters.Mizanur Rahman Azhari Education Life:
He passed the Dakhil Examination with a GPA of 5.00 in 2004. Again he passed the Alim Examination with a GPA of 5.00 in 2006 and took the top place in Bangladesh Madrasa Education Board list. In 2007, Mizanur Rahman Azhari took first place among thousands of students in the Egyptian Government Scholarship Examination which was organized by the Islamic Foundation and he went to Egypt to undergraduate at Al-Azhar University in Egypt. From there he passed the Honors with a CGPA 80% from the Department of Tafsir and Quranic Science.It should be noted that Mizanur Rahman Azhari’s MPhil and Ph.D. research medium was English. One thing that is clear in all this, he was a very industrious and talented student. Because of this, he has made the best results in different countries of the world. Like Bangladesh, leaks and fraud are not available anywhere else in the world, these are only possible in Bangladesh.
On the other hand, Mizanur Rahman Azhari is personally a very good man. He spends most of his income on promoting Islam. He is constantly trying to protect the youth of the country from destruction and to bring back to the light of Islam. He has always protested against all injustice in a strong voice. Hundreds of blasphemers and anti-Islam people are behind such a scholar.