GP Bondho SIM Offer Trending Now:
GP Bondho SIM Offer is updated on 19 October 2016. The GP Bondho user who didn’t use their GP Prepaid SIM from 05 September 2016 will eligible to get GP Bondho SIM Offer October 2016. The Customer will get Lowest Call Rate offer 30 Paisa Minute GP Number and 60 Paisa Minute others Number with 1 Sec Pulse. The validity of the Special Call Rate is 30 Days from the 29 TK Recharge date.
GP Bondho SIM Offer October 2016 Detail:
The Grameenphone Bondho SIM Offer October 2016 Campaign will run from 19 October 2016 to until further notice.
All Prepaid subscribers of Grameenphone (except ERS and BPO) who are not using their connections since 5th September 2016 or before will be able to enjoy this Grameenphone Bondho SIM Offer October offer.
To check the offer eligibility sends “ Oct 017XXXXXXXX ” to 9999 from any Active GP Number.
Unregistered customers are not eligible for this offer.
0.5 Paisa Sec to any GP Number will be applicable from 12am to 5pm
1 Paisa Sec to any other number will be applicable for 24 hours.
After 05:00PM to 11:59 PM GP to GP Calls also will be changed as 1 Paisa per Sec.
All eligible subscribers will get the offer by recharging exact 29 taka.
Validity of Lower tariff will be 30 days including the 29 TK recharge date;
This Call Rate Offer can be availed multiple times during the duration of the campaign.
On multiple 29 TK recharges, longer validity will prevail.
Customers will get 29MB internet for 3 days validity of 29 TK recharge.
VAT, SD and SC Charges are Applied.
GP Bondho SIM Offer September 2016:
The Campaign will run from 8 August 2016 and continue until further notice.
All Grameenphone Prepaid subscribers (except ERS and BPO) who have not been using their connections since 22 July 2016 or before will be able enjoy this Bndho SIM offer.
To check the offer eligibility, send “ Aug 017XXXXXXXX ” to 9999 from any Grameenphone Number.
Unregistered customers and who are not using their GP SIM since inception to 15 December 2014 won’t be eligible for this GP Bondho SIM offer.
Adha Paisa per Sec to any GP Number will be applicable from 12 AM to 5 PM.
1 Paisa per Sec to any other number will be applied for 24 hours.
The validity of Lower tariff will be 30 days, including the 29 TK Recharge date. This Offer can be availed multiple times by Recharging 29 TK during the duration of the campaign.
Dial *121*1*2# to check the available MMS balance and Lower tariff offer validity.
15% VAT, 5% SD and 1% SC are Applicable with all Call rates and Other Charges.
Special Internet Offer 2 GB 11 Taka for GP Bondho SIM Offer 2016 Details:
Do you know, How to check the Eligibility of 2 GB Internet 11 TK Only? It’s very easy to Check the P Bondho SIM Offer 2016 Special Internet Pack. Just Go to Your Message option and Type BHK