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Grameenphone Free Internet Offer
» 44টাকা রিচার্জে 3GB ইন্টার্নেট অথবা 48 টাকা রিচার্জে 200 মিনিট টকটাইম
44টাকা রিচার্জে 3GB ইন্টার্নেট অথবা 48 টাকা রিচার্জে 200 মিনিট টকটাইম
Great news for you! Now Grab a newbanglalink SIM and enjoy some amazingbenefits. by recharging just tk. 44 or 48,you can get up to 3GB internet or up to200 minute bonus and an outstanding callrate!get up to 3gb upon recharging tk. 44This offer is applicable for you if you area prepaid customer who has startedusing their connection on or after 5February, 2017On first recharge of exact Tk. 44 there isa special tariff of 1p/sec to anyoperator with 1 second pulse, this tariffshall be valid for 30 days. Once thistariff expires your tariff shall be as peryour base package rate.After the first recharge of Tk. 44 youshall also get 44 minutes (any operator)& 750MB internet bonus valid for 15days.On the next month you will get thechance to buy a 774MB internet packwith 7 days validity on exact rechargeof Tk. 9You will need to have minimumtk.50(cumulative) usage in previousmonth every time to get tk. 774MB @tk.9You shall be able to purchase thisspecial 774MB internet pack maximumof 3 times. This internet pack can bepurchased once in 30 daysspecial tariffs will not be applicable forbonus usagenew customers can un-subscribe fromthe offer by dialing *166*32#To check bonus minute and data youhave to dial *124*24#if you un-subscribe from this offer, youwill not be able to avail the offer againafter de-registration, you will go back toyour previous tariff planfor new customer, in case of packagetransfer, the special tariff will bedeactivatedget up to 200 minutes upon rechargingtk.48This offer is applicable for you if you area prepaid customer who has startedusing their connection on or after 5February, 2017On first recharge of exact Tk. 48 youshall get 50-minute bonus (anyoperator) & 200MB internet valid for 30days.On first recharge of exact Tk. 48 there isa special tariff of 0.5p/sec on-netnumbers and 1p/sec to other operator,this tariff shall be valid for 30 days.Once this tariff expires your tariff shallbe as per your base package rate.On the next month you will get thechance to get 50-minute (any operator)bonus with 7 days validityTo receive this bonus, you have to dosome activity related to main accountcharging, that is, an SMS, voice call etc.This can be done any time after the firstmonth.You can get this 50-minute bonusmaximum of 3 times, once every month.You will need to have minimumtk.50(cumulative) usage in previousmonth be eligible for the 50-minutebonus.special tariffs will not be applicable forbonus usagenew customers can un-subscribe fromthe offer by dialing *166*345#To check bonus minute and data youhave to dial *124*24#if you un-subscribe from this offer, youwill not be able to avail the offer againafter de-registration, you will go back toyour previous tariff planfor new customer, in case of packagetransfer, the special tariff will bedeactivatedEnjoy the following benefits with your newprepaid connection:pre-loaded tk.5 balance with 15 daysvalidly which can be used for anybanglalink servicelifetime validity for any amountrecharged during the existing validperiod50MB bonus internet will be valid for 3days after receiving bonusto know your outstanding internetbalance, dial *124*5#send up to 50 free sms to anybanglalink number, valid for 10 daysto check your bonus sms, dial *124*4#get the banglalink tune absolutely freefor 30 days on amar tunethe amar tune service will start 6 daysafter the first outgoing call. it will stopafter 1 month of useto extend the subscription, type ‘start’and sms to 2222 numbercall any number at 20.83 paisa/ 10second 24 hours a day