Teletalk Agami Package Tarrif/Charges Call Rate Internet Price

Agami 3G package connects future leaders


FnF Not Applicable
50 Paisa/Min (24 Hours)
Pulse: 10 Seconds
SMS : 30 Paisa (any operator)
Particulars Call categories Rate/10sec (24 hours)
Voice call Teletalk to teletalk 8.33 Paisa
Teletalk to others 8.33 Paisa
Video call Teletalk to teletalk 7.5 Paisa
Pulse 10 seconds
SMS Teletalk to teletalk 30 Paisa
Teletalk to others
Data tariff 1 Paisa /15KB
Special data Package Daily pack [email protected], monthly pack [email protected], [email protected]
Recharge bonus For tk.25 recharge, get voice-25min, data-25MB and SMS-25

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