GP 2GB Internet 49TK

GP 2GB Internet 49TK ! Welcome to Grameenphone 3G Internet Offer 2016. Here is the Latest and Update GP Internet Package 2016. We hope you are looking for the 2GB 3G Internet at 49 TK Night Pack Internet Offer 2016! If yes, Just Read the details Information about this Night Pack and activate 2GB@49TK latest GP Internet offer .
GP 2GB Internet 49TK Offer Details:
Grameenphone 2GB Internet at 49 TK is valid for 7 Days .
The Customer must require to dial *5000*105# to Activate the Grameenphone 2GB@49TK Night Time Internet offer.
2GB Night Pack Data can be used from 12AM to 10AM for 7 days.
This 2GB Internet at 49 TK Internet offer will run until further notice
After the 2GB Internet Volume, Expiration customers will be charged 1 Paisa Per 10KB (till validity exists, up to 200 Taka)
The Unused Data Volume will not be carried with other Internet Package.
Dial *567# or, *121*1*4# to check your 2GB internet balance.
Call GP 121 Helpline to know more about this Offer.
If you have any Question about GP 2GB 3G Internet 49TK Night Pack Internet Offer 2016, Contact with us here for Free. Thank you for staying with us.

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